

sketch of camera obscura container proposal
Sketch of camera obscura container proposal.
side view of proposed idea
Sketch of side view of proposed idea
close up of lenses and lights
Sketch of close up of lenses and lights.


For my design piece I've chosen to look into camera obscuras and how I can use them. Giant camera obscura that people can walk around in. Using a similar technique to the Sky in a Room. The difference would be that I would be using two rooms/containers end to end - with spotlights set up in each that would cast shadows around the room. The audience would be given the option to switch off these lights and in doing so, the room/container would be dark enough for the camera obscura to work and they would see the shadows of the audience in the adjacent room. The two separate audiences would have to switch their lights off alternately. The camera obscura would only work if one room had the light on and the other had them off. If they were both off or both on, then nothing would be seen, other than the shadows form the single room. This way when one room had it's light off, the shadows would appear in the exact same style as if they were their own, but would in fact be from the other room. The audience would be offered a shadow that was not theirs, this may not be clear at first but they would soon realise.